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Tandem or Solo…Safe or Sorry?

For those of you who know us, you may have noticed some of the not-so-subtle differences in the way we roll. On the tandem I prefer the gentle rolling hills which nurture and calm my spirit; Michael goes after the big climb in anticipation of the exhilarating decent at 40+ mile-per-hour speeds. Both of our […]

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First Experience Of Tandem Marriage

tandem marriage

Are you and your partner in sync? Do you do life in tandem? Or have you developed parallel lives? What might a tandem marriage look like for you? Here’s the beginning of our tandem marriage story. I (Paula) was at work when I got the pic on my cell phone…a beautiful red bicycle-built-for-two strapped to […]

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Join the Tandem Adventure

Love Language

Can you imagine what it is like being on a bicycle with the one you love, both clipped into the pedals and joined to the machine as one, barreling down mountain roads as fast as some cars? Can you imagine being the captain of a tandem racing bike having all of the responsibility to steer, […]

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