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Tandem or Solo…Safe or Sorry?

For those of you who know us, you may have noticed some of the not-so-subtle differences in the way we roll. On the tandem I prefer the gentle rolling hills which nurture and calm my spirit; Michael goes after the big climb in anticipation of the exhilarating decent at 40+ mile-per-hour speeds. Both of our […]

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Fulfllment and Attachment

What happens in any relationship when one discovers a repressed part of oneself and now has a new passion for life? Such was the case for me (Michael) when I discovered the challenge and excitement of cycling. It felt great to feel my physical strength again. The college linebacker in me could now be expressed […]

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The Power of Emotional Attunement

Emotional attunement may be the most important foundation for helping couples overcome obstacles and work together to make great achievements. In couples therapy emotional attunement refers to what John Gottman makes reference to as: awareness, tolerance, non-defensive listening, understanding, and empathy.  These qualities, he argues, inspire confidence in couples, and the sense that despite the […]

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Leaders Mirror Emotion

 A number of years ago I talked with a group of executives about how the emotions of the top leaders in an organization affect the whole emotional tone of the organization. While this finding reported in the Harvard Business Review intuitively made sense to me I didn’t understand at the time what the mechanism was […]

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Join the Tandem Adventure

Love Language

Can you imagine what it is like being on a bicycle with the one you love, both clipped into the pedals and joined to the machine as one, barreling down mountain roads as fast as some cars? Can you imagine being the captain of a tandem racing bike having all of the responsibility to steer, […]

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