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Embracing Love’s Journey: How to Love Yourself

loving yourself

Are you ready to embrace love’s journey? I believe it’s an integral piece of everyone’s personal hero’s journey. It begins with learning and practicing how to love yourself. It may sound like a cliché that loving others requires a capacity to love yourself. And yet it is true. It is impossible to allow someone to […]

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Why Love?

Why love

Why love? Love has legs. It has extraordinary power to move us. To take us on a journey. It has the power to change us from the inside out. To give us eyes to see. And ears to hear what we cannot perceive without it. Love gives us the strength to endure through unimaginable hardship. […]

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Do We Find Ourselves in the Arms of Another… Or in the Depth of Ourself?

find your self

Are you seeking counseling or therapy for yourself, your relationship or for business growth? Maybe you’re looking for help with communication, addiction or trauma. Perhaps you’re like many who call my office wondering do I work on my imperfect relationship first? Or do I start with my imperfect self? Now more than ever I’ve been […]

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Will Doing More Of The Same Release Your Peak Potential?

Have you ever wondered why you just keep doing more of the same? And is “more of the same” really working to your advantage, toward releasing your peak potential? Why are humans often so resistant to doing anything that will create positive change within themselves? Learning more, finishing a writing project, practicing music, exercising to […]

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Can Emotional Withdrawal Lead To Porn Addiction?

Man Looking at Porn

Have you just learned that your husband spends more time with porn than he does with you? Are your reaches for your guy’s affection met with distance? Does he withdraw and shut down with you while giving pornography his utmost attention? Can emotional withdrawal lead to porn addiction? That’s a really great question. In my […]

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Tis The Season For Emotion

The Season For Emotion

Are you looking forward to this year’s Christmas? What are you feeling? Are you feeling happy that you will get to be with your family? Or perhaps sad that there will be no family gatherings at all this year? Or are you just trying to shut down all emotion? Is this really the season for […]

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